Make recycling your goal this World Cup!
WORLD Cup fans are being asked to make recycling their goal and take part in a competition to increase recycling rates during the tournament.
Councils in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are encouraging residents to use their artistic talents by taking part in a creative drinks can recycling competition. From a can constructed collage or mosaic, to a small sculpture or metal model of a footballer, residents can get creative with their drinks cans for a chance to win an England World Cup football shirt.
Photos of these canny creations need to be uploaded to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Waste Partnership Facebook page, where the public can vote for their favourite entries. The post that receives the most ‘Likes’ by 9 July will win the top prize.
It is expected that £271m will be spent on snacks and drinks in Britain during the World Cup, so the amount of metal that could be recycled is set to soar over the coming weeks as people get together to watch the action. Drinks cans, food tins, foil wrapping and aerosols can all be recycled in the mixed recycling bin at home, and could be back on the shelf as a new can within 60 days. Recycling just one aluminium can saves enough energy to run a television for three hours, enough to watch two football matches.
Cllr Kevin Ellis, Chair of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Waste Partnership said: “If you're planning a World Cup party or big-match barbecue, or just ordering a takeaway for the whole family to enjoy while you're watching a game, one thing's for sure – all these World Cup celebrations will create lots more waste. The good news is that the majority of this can be recycled. We’re looking forward to seeing the football spirit bringing residents together and joining our competition so that we can see top goals and great saves for recycling in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, as well as in the World Cup.”
The competition is being run by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Waste Partnership and AmeyCespa. For more details about the competition see