CUFC Lottery has invested a further £10,000 into helping make improvements to the Club's Matchday Fan Zones...
Following on from the £20,000 that was invested into the Main Stand and North Habbin Fan Zones this summer, the Club’s official lottery scheme - which is sponsored by Postscript - has now helped fund additional large covered structures in the NRE and South Habbin Fan Zones.

"Their funding has allowed us to revamp all of our Fan Zones to the point where it doesn't matter which stand you watch from now, wherever you sit or stand, you will have access to the same facilities.
"Whilst our eye is clearly on the future and the planned redevelopment of the Abbey Stadium, in the short term we recognise that it's important to continue improving our facilities and the fan experience."
Investments like this is why CUFC Lottery is so important. Sign up today from just £2 a week and be entered into the ‘Must Win Monday’, ‘Midweek Money Can’t Buy’ and ‘Abbey Accumulator’ draws every week, whilst helping fund improvements to facilities and the fan experience at the Abbey Stadium.
Not only could you win big, but with every player that signs up, the Club and wider fan-base wins big too.