We are pleased to confirm the candidates standing for election to form the first Cambridge United Supporter’s Panel.

The first members of CUSP will be elected by an online ballot, to be run during the first two weeks of April closing on 14th April. Further information about how to vote will follow in due course.

The candidates are:

Nigel Browne

Name:  Nigel Browne
Location:  Main Stand

I work at the club on matchdays as a turnstile operator. I feel very passionate about Cambridge United and the fans being involved with the club. The fans are the only true constant in a football club. Players, Coaches, and Staff all come and go. For most true fans it’s a lifetime of emotions. It’s very important that they are involved and listened to. Likewise it’s important that there is sensible and constructive dialogue between them and the club. I see the fans panel as the best way of achieving this.

David Burkett

Name:  David Burkett
Location:  Family Stand

I live in Cottenham and attend home games with my wife, daughter and son who are all fellow season ticket holders. I was born in the year of English footballs greatest triumph and started attending games at The Abbey during the Ron Atkinson era. I am a postman who has played football at various levels locally and am currently an FA Licensed Coach, coaching male and female youth teams. I understand some things must remain private and confidential within the club but seek to improve and ensure clarity and openness where possible. And to give every fan a voice through me.

James Cotton

Name:  James Cotton
Location:  Main Stand

I have been a regular, committed United supporter for 20 years, following the club home and away through the dark non-league days.  I now watch with my sons Oliver and Harry. As a local business owner I support the club through corporate hospitality and sponsorship. I have been involved in football my whole life - as a player and as a manager, including Fulbourn Falcons and currently as manager of Shelford and Stapleford Strikers U12. It would be an honour to represent United through CUSP, I will leverage my passion, experience and connections to propel the club forward.

Andy Fox

Name: Andy Fox
Location:  NRE

I’ve been a fan since my first game in April 1973, who can forget the Mansfield promotion decider.  I live in Barnwell, just ten minutes from the ground.  Why vote for me? I think I’d just like to make a difference. More communication and cooperation between club and fans re kits and all merchandising. I’d like to see the Habbin reclaimed and campaign to consign the word ‘yellows’ to the past.

Sam Gisby

Name:  Sam Gisby
Location:  Main Stand

I am 21, and finishing an Economics degree at Oxford University. I’ve been passionate about football all my life, both as a player and a supporter and I’m soon to enter a job working in sports management.  I think it’s really important to engage young people like me in the club, and as a member of CUSP I would provide a valuable youth perspective on club matters. I think that United are capable of much more both on and off the pitch, and I’d love the chance to help make that happen. Up the U’s!

Paul Mayes

Name:  Paul Mayes
Location:  Main Stand

I’m a season ticket holder and sit in the main stand with my wife. I have been the chairman of the Supporters Club for over 30 years, I have a lot of experience with meeting members of the board over the years and have been involved with various parties regarding relocation and redevelopment.  Over the Years I have seen numerous plans and schemes, I was involved with Grosvenor as a member of the steering committee on relocating to Trumpington, then on the redevelopment of the Abbey. I am involved with the new plans being prepared to completely refurbish the ground.

James Mills

Name:  James Mills
Location:  NRE

I have been a season ticket holder since I was 4 years old. I was a ball boy for 6 seasons and now stand in the Newmarket Road end. My family have a long history with the Club. I go to the majority of away games and all of the home games. I would like to see the communication between the fans and the club improved and to feel that I have made a difference for the fans, and by being a member of the Cambridge United Supporters Panel I would be able to achieve this.

Paul Moffat

Name: Paul Moffat
Location:  Main Stand

A United fan for 37 years, my first game was against Watford in 1981. My abiding memory was the horrible Corona End fence and the little serving hatch at the back of the supporters club that sold mushy peas – yum!  I had the bug and Saturdays have never been the same since. Most of my life has been inextricably linked with the fortunes of this club.  I care passionately about its future. I want to help and be an agent of change. I will be as approachable to my fellow fans as I am as passionate about our super club.

Mark Mumford

Name:  Mark Mumford
Location:  Main Stand

I am 53 years old and have supporting my wonderful club since the late 70's, firstly in the Habbin but now in the Main Stand. I'm married to Claire & have 3 sons, my eldest Adam (21) is a season ticket holder also. I wish to stand for election as I’ve seen our club through some amazing highs & also some monumental lows & I’m desperate for some more highs.

Chris Neild

Name:  Chris Neild
Location:  Habbin

I’ve followed the U's for 30 years, first when a student here in the 80s and, more recently when the return to the League coincided with me moving back into the town - I've now been able to get my offspring interested too. I make most home games and away ones when I can - been to Hartlepool and Exeter!   I'm chairman of a successful local cricket club so have 'committee' experience.  In my day job I have responsibilities for finance and property, I’d like to help fans understand more about how the club is run in these areas.

Ben Payne

Name:  Ben Payne
Location:  Main Stand

I first saw Cambridge at the “old Wembley” back in May 1990 and have been hooked ever since. I became a season ticket holder in 2005 and now sit in the Main Stand. I’ve got a huge passion for the club and what it means to the local community. I believe, having run my own businesses and now as a senior manager for a global business, I can bring my skills from these areas to influence and assist CUSP in holding the board to account, supporting the staff at the club and protecting the future of this great club for generations to come.

Philip Saich

Name:  Philip Saich
Location:  Family Stand 

I have supported the U’s since coming up to university in 1985, and my son and I have been season ticket holders in the Family Stand since 2013. We have also provided digital marketing support to the club’s commercial department and, among other projects, created the promotion season review DVD at no cost to CUFC. I am focused on effective communication and am passionate about bringing the CUFC board and the fans closer together. In addition, I would seek to use my seat on the Panel to increase transparency and engagement throughout the club at all levels.

Justin Spring

Name:  Justin Spring
Location:  NRE 

I often sing and get the crowed going. I have a lot of supporters who on match days ask for my opinion and get plenty of handshakes. Past family have also had great influence on this club before me. My uncle Reg was chairman and the passion he had for the club had defiantly rubbed off. I see a lot of inside things back then. I would like to think my passion and knowledge of this club would help. Sometimes common sense and simple issues can be talked over if heard by the right person. I believe I’m that person.

Paul Suckling

Name:  Paul Suckling
Location:  Main Stand 

I’ve been a supporter of the mighty U’s since 1984. First game was a 1-0 loss to Swansea they had a man sent off...!! Currently a season ticket holder in C block and sit directly behind united dug out. As a self-employed business owner I feel I am well placed CUSP when it comes to speaking with people in authority, like a board of directors. I understand how business works and why not everything can be shared BUT I also love this club and want to see it thrive and more importantly survive.

Spencer Tramm

Name:  Spencer Tramm
Location:  Main Stand 

I have been a volunteer in the club shop and ticket office for the past 5 years helping on a match day and also busy times such as the Leeds United and Manchester United cup games. I also support the club by helping to co-ordinate the Away Travel Club for which I was honoured to be chosen as a ‘Community Hero’ for the Crewe game recently. I got into watching United when my mother worked with U’s legend John Vaughan’s wife. He invited me to my first game at the Abbey and from then on I was hooked.