A return to fitness now sees Greg Taylor keen to make up for lost time, with the left back  delighted to have reported back to first team pre-season training this week.

A Boxing Day injury to the ankle, ruled the U’s full back out of the second half of last season and has since seen the 26-year old undergo a six month rehabilitation under the stewardship of Cambridge United’s Head of Medical Nick Irwin and Head of Performance Matt Walker .

However Taylor believes Monday’s pre-season return, marked the turning point in his recovery and he is thrilled to be back amongst the first team environment once more. 

He said: “It was one of those things that just happened, it was a freak injury and I’ve never had anything that big really in terms of injuries so it was quite hard for me to get my head round, especially with missing the whole back end of the season.

“But obviously Nick [Irwin, Head of Medical] has been class with me and the Gaffer’s given me his full support along with the staff and they’ve gradually got me through step by step. Even being with the lads last season at the training ground, they encourage you to crack on and get there.

“Towards the last part of my rehab I started to do a little bit of ball work just to try and get a feel, but I’m really looking forward to getting the balls out this pre-season and getting back to being what feels like a footballer rather than just being in the gym every day.

“I’m here now and it’s good just to be one of the lads again and in the action as we prepare for the friendlies and the new season.”

As well as the initial pre-season fitness tests that took place at the Cambs Glass Stadium on Monday, Taylor felt it was also a great opportunity to catch up with teammates whom he had not seen during the close season. 

The left back states the team spirit is as good as ever, and believes that next month’s tour to Holland will provide an ideal opportunity to familiarise with many new faces within the squad.

“I haven’t seen quite a few of the boys, obviously with the summer break. You try to keep in contact but it’s nice to see everyone, especially the new faces as you welcome them in and hopefully aim to gel quite quickly.

“It will be good to break up pre-season and go away to Holland and it will give us a good opportunity to work on our togetherness and really integrate with each other.

“Honestly it will just be good for us to be around the team, around the staff and get to know each other a lot better.” 

Ticket for the U's pre-season games against Ipswich Town and Aston Villa can be purchased in-store and online now.