Adam May has described the sense of relief he still feels at having the opportunity to knuckle down into a football season with the U’s.

The midfielder has reflected on the worrying period of being without a club through the summer, and the extra motivation it has provided to make the most of his time with United.

He said: “It was a horrible few months for everyone, but I felt that even more being out of contract. It was always a little of a worry at the back of your mind, because nobody anywhere really actually knew what was happening. You did have thoughts to yourself, ‘how am I going to get a Club?’”

“I did the work that I had to whilst I was away, I worked hard, made sure I was fit and luckily the trial at Cambridge United came up when it did.

“It’s worked out and it’s been a huge weight off the shoulders through the summer. I can really look forward and relish the rest of the season.”

The 21-year old is loving life at the Abbey especially having been thrust into action in the centre of the field for United alongside Paul Digby. After a succession of seasons where match minutes have been hard to come by, May says it’s exactly what he was looking for when signing for the U’s.

“I’ve really enjoyed my time, and I feel I have settled in really well. It’s a great group of boys here, but the most important thing I guess is that I’m really enjoying my football.

“I had spoken to the gaffer (Mark Bonner) and Gary (Waddock) before I joined and they told me how they wanted to play, and I thought then it suited me perfectly. And since then I’ve settled in really well.

“It had been a tough couple of years, not having had the match minutes I would have wanted and a few loan spells, some of which that went well and other that hadn’t. So coming here, I just want to knuckle down and be playing week in and week out.

“You always have to be ready and obviously those two (Digby and O’Neil) started off the season really well.  That’s what we’re in the game for, and it’s what we want to be doing. Diggers and I have started well and long may that continue. I’m pleased to have the shirt at the moment and I feel I have to work really hard to keep it for as long as I can.”

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