U's Soccer Centres Launched

FOLLOWING the recent announcement about the extension of the Cambridge United Youth System, the club are delighted to announce the first five Soccer Centre locations. 

Training for 6 – 12 year old boys and girls will be held at the following locations from Easter 2015:

- Chesterton Sports Centre (Village College)
- Witchford Sports Centre (Village College)
- Bottisham Sports Centre (Village College)
- Sawston Sports Centre (Village College)
- St Ivo Outdoor Centre 

The Soccer Centres offer boys and girls of all abilities the opportunity to receive professional coaching from our Youth Development coaches. Any particularly talented players will be identified for a trial within the CUYD system. However, for those players that simply want to attend some enjoyable additional structured training, the Soccer Centres will offer this. In the one hour sessions the players will work on a weekly topic and enjoy playing small sided matches in a relaxed and fun environment. For more information please visit or email